Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I pack my bags once again,
palms sweaty with anticipation,
heart beating with trepidation.

"Where do I go now?" I wonder.
Wherever the road takes me,
as long as I'm free to be.

It's always like this for me;
Lightheaded at the onset of every journey,
no matter the destination; town, city or country

"What's in store ahead?" I think.
Architectural wonders, beautiful countrysides,
beaming faces or those with tears running down their sides.

"... the road may be lonely... ",
or I might make a pretty new friend. Or two.
Or run into misfortune or some treasure too.

But no matter what may come,
my purpose in life is to travel
and watch as lifes mysteries unravel.

Oh! The things that I see,
people I meet and songs that I hear,
the pains I help soothe and joys that I bear

I only meet them on my way,
on every single voyage I may take.
I realise this as I come awake.


Your heart beats
a staccato against my hand
of its own accord?
or a result of our harmony?
Our beings
in consonance.
With every motion,perfect timbre achieved.
Flawless rhythm,
a crescendo
building up to faultless pitch.

You play me adagio,
heat me up to fever pitch,
a complete cadence,
a sequence I surrender to.
Caught up in the melody of you;
Polyphonic, resonant, alive.
You move me by leaps,
you are my key.
Our song is classical,
it has a theme...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So I'm liking my blog and the idea of writing...

I've been doing a lot of reading and thinking in recent times and I'm really enjoying the thought of putting things down  on paper (real or virtual). A good friend of mine (or at least I like to think so) in the not too distant past asked me to give it a shot and I just gave a half - assed answer. Flash forward a few months and I'm watching one of new ''IN'' programmes on TV and bam! it comes up again. The inspiration to write, to want to create something, to affect others perspectives in a pleasing aesthetic way. Now I tried writing a couple of notes on Facebook, got some great reviews but now I also want to express my self in a different way. Hence the audition I spoke of in my last blog. For those of you interested in knowing; I went for it. And yes, I'm due for call backs. It's interesting how life just unfolds before in ways you never could imagine before when you go out on a limb sometimes. So now I'm being inspired to write but better than that, I'm inspired to dream...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Leaving the path

I had always hoped that this day would never come. But in retrospect I realize that life is made up days like this. Now it's not that that tomorrow has any great significance. I've done similar things, been faced with similar dilemmas, but that's all they are; similar. They are not this. So I'm about to close up shop today and only one thought hangs heavy on my mind. TOMORROW!!! It's going to be tough because I know if I don't do IT I'll never sleep properly again. I'll always wonder what would have happened. Would I be able to live down the regret? I close this first with my last for the day. I WILL GO FOR THAT AUDITION TOMORROW. Yes I will. and I will sleep better for it in the days to come.